PR Newswire - footage of The Royal Tenenbams Premiere in NYC. Click onto the thumbnail to view ( 1 minute 26 seconds; Real Video; Quicktime; Media).
PR Newswire - Celebrity Soundbites from the red carpet of the Royal Tenenbaum Premiere in NYC. Click onto the thumbnail to view (2 minutes 40 seconds; Real Video; Quicktime; Media).
Ifilm - On the Red Carpet with the Royal Ts (4 minutes 40 seconds) includes Red-carpet premiere interviews with Wes Anderson and the dysfunctional cast. There are film clips - Whatever happened that day? (1 minute 8 seconds); Pretty Bad Case of Cancer (1 minute 26 seconds) ; He's already up there (1 minute 18 seconds); What happened to your finger? (34 seconds) & Against the Law (1 minute 25 seconds). Click onto the thumbnail to view all of these ( Real Video; Quicktime; Media). - "The Royal Tenenbaums" Interview Video - Director Wes Anderson tells how his new comedy about a family of geniuses became more about family than about geniuses. Anjelica Huston explains why The Royal Tenenbaums will take you on a wild ride and Luke Wilson says he didn't have to worry about what to wear on the set. Click onto the thumbnail to view it (3 minutes 47 seconds; Real Video; Quicktime; Media).
Movie Fone - Family Business includes video interviews of Wes Anderson and the cast. Click onto Low or High (5 minutes 18 seconds; Real Video).
New York Film Festival Archive - Wes Anderson talks in selected clips from The Royal Tenenbaums Press Conference. Click onto - On New York as the inspiration for the film; On writing the script with specific actors in mind; On the theme of redemption in the film (55 seconds; 1 minute 5 seconds; 53 seconds; Quicktime).
The Royal Tenenbaum Trailers - Trailer #1 (2 minutes 2 seconds) - Quicktime (1500k); Quicktime (1000k); Quicktime (500k); Media (300k); Media (100k); Media (56k); Real (300k); Real (100k) & Real (56k). Trailer #2 (2 minutes 30 seconds) - Quicktime (27 MB); Quicktime (18 MB) & Quicktime (9 MB).
Bottle Rocket Trailer & Clips - Trailer #1(2 minutes 2 seconds) - Quicktime 10fps & Quicktime 8fps. Featured clips - Pole-vaulting, laughing gas ...; Meet Mr. Henry & No, they're not always at lunch.
Bottle Rocket Short - linked from the Wilson Brothers Website. Check out the short film that premiered at Sundance in 1995. Click onto the thumbnail to view (15 minutes; Real Video).